Events Conducted By Us

Past Events

Problems of Agriculture and Towards Solution

This webinar was organized by AgSS on August 22,2020 where esteem speakers discussed on various problems in our agriculture sector and offered relevant solution.

Past Events

Urban Agriculture : Potential and Importance in Bangladesh

This session was organized by AgSS on July 12,2020 where speakers discussed the importance of urban agriculture and how it could shape our agriculture towards betterment.

Past Events

Career Opportunity in Agricultural Sciences

This session was organized by AgSS on 29th June,2020 where speakers from different agriculture sector illustrated how people could make successful career in agricultural sciences.

Past Events

A Journey Towards Community College Initiative Program

This session was organized by AgSS on June 17,2020 where past successful awardee of this program tried to give a complete overview on how a student can get this scholarship.

Past Events

Scholarship in Agriculture

This session was organized by AgSS on 29th May,2020 where speakers discussed various scholarship opportunity available for agricultural students.

Past Events

Agriculture Virtual Summit

It was a three(3) days long program and biggest agricultural virtual program of our country where esteem speakers discussed on various agricultural themes under six(6) continuous session.