1What is Agri-Science Society?

Agri-Science Society(AgSS) is a nonprofit organization working towards digitalization of agriculture in Bangladesh.

To know more,visit about.
2Is AgSS a nonprofit organization?

No,AgSS is a non-government youth leading organization.

3On what types of problem AgSS are now working?
In our agriculture sector, there are a lot of problems as well as limitations. Traditional Farming, Food Insecurity and Lack of Quality of Agricultural Students are on the top of the list. We are working on it to give smart and innovative solution.
4How does AgSS manage finance for doing farming program and activities?
As you already know, AgSS is a nonprofit organization. So, most of the finance comes from individual donation and sponsorship.
5Do I need to pay money for enjoying the services on AgSS website?
Of course not now. You have the full access to enjoy our existing services. However, in future, some premium services will be launched to make bigger impact in farming sector.
6Can I donate individually to AgSS?
Of course you can. Most of finance of AgSS comes from individual donation. If you would like to contribute(no matter, how much you could),please visit Donate.
7How could I contribute in AgSS towards accomplishing its mission?
You can contribute in many ways to our agriculture sector through AgSS platform. If you meets the eligibility criteria, you can join in AgSS team. You can contribute by donating money, suggesting idea and feedback, advocating to someone about AgSS, promoting events and also by volunteering. We will appreciate your contribution.
8Could I join in AgSS team?
Of course.If you meets the eligibility criteria,you are appreciated to apply. Please visit the open position to know more.
9I am not a citizen of Bangladesh, could I join in AgSS team?
AgSS always appreciates diversity and we respect everyone regardless gender, religion, nationality or ethnicity. If you would like to join, please visit the open position to know more.
10What types of benefits I will get if I become a team-member of AgSS?
A team member of AgSS can be benefited in so many ways. Perhaps, the best one that you can make some impact in agriculture sector and make farmer smile. What could be great than it! However, we couldn't pay any team member as we are a nonprofit youth organization but incentives may be available upon successful project. To know more about the working benefits, please visit open position to know more.
11Can my organization sponsor to any AgSS program?
Of course. If your organization would like to make bigger impact in agriculture by sponsoring to any of our program, we will appreciate. Please visit Get Sponsorship page to sponsor and if your organization want to make partnership with us, please visit get partnership to know more.