Blog on Farming
English Blog
The Marine Algae “SEAWEED”
Seaweed is a macroscopic, multicellular, marine algae that lives near the sea bed. The study of seaweed is known as
English Blog
The Benefits Of Using Modern Technology In Agriculture
It is possible to double the profit through cultivation using modern agricultural machinery. Everything from cultivating land, sowing seeds, weeding,
English Blog
Mad Cow Diseases- CJD
Disease is defined as any departure from the state of health. When animal body stops normal function, because of attack
English Blog
Agriculture Virtual Summit 2021
Agri-Science Society (AgSS) is going to organize Agriculture Virtual Summit 2021 from July 13- July 18 under six sessions. All
English Blog
Mud Crab- “Scylla serrata”
What is Mud Crab ? Mud crab is an organism under the phylum arthropoda. It is highly popular due to
English Blog
Mango- The Most Cultivated Fruit In World
Introduction Of Mango: Mangifera indica (Scientific Name of Mango) is a succulent and tropical fruit of the Indian subcontinent. Although
English Blog
Rooftop Farming- An Organic Form Of Farming
What is Rooftop Farming? Rooftop Farming is man made green spaces on the topmost levels of industrial, commercial, and residential
English Blog
Apiculture- The Maintenance Of Bee Colonies
Beekeeping (or Apiculture ) is the maintenance of bee colonies, commonly in man-made hives, by humans.A location where bees are
English Blog
Blockchain- A Digital System Of Data Recording
What is Blockchain? Blockchain is a specific type of database. The way it stores information is different from a normal